Family Tree of Thora Miller
My Mother Gulbjørg Anderson was
born at Hadland Norway - Her Mother
and Dads name was Karie and Nels Anderson
My mothers brother and sister was Anders
and Anne - Anders went by the
name Torebrothen - lived at Paalerud - 
Hen til his death at an age of
104 yrs. His wife Marthe passed
away at 96 years. His Children live around
Hen some in this Country.

My Father was Gulbrand Knutson Tuftin.
His parents were Inger and Knut
Tuftin Odda

Mother and Dad had 12 Children
of witch 2 died in infancy.
Christ, Andrew, Ingval, Olava, ^Karoline, Gena -
Nils - Gustava - Inger, Carl and me.
My fathers grandma was Ollaug Aasterud, Valdres Norway