Trunk & many satchels & other things
to carry. They took us in to a little
Hotel to get dinner. Then we went
to Christ and Oleana. There we had
a very good supper. Stayd there
over night. It was realy a nice
thing to sleep in a bad again.
Next day we went to Andrew - we
stayd there for a couple weeks -
then we got to live in Ole Johnsons
house where Alvin & Ollie has lived
for many years. We thought it was
nice to live by our self again.
People were good to us, gave us
table, chairs & beds to sleep in.
We lived there till spring. Uncle
Paul & Olava gave us 2 cows - so
we had milk & butter. We also
had plenty meat. My dad bought
a steer from Mrs Gunderson