house, as the children grew up. We
had lots of kids every sunday.
I always gave them lunch and let
them play & have fun. But as time
went on they all left home except
Peter - him & Pa farmed together
and it went good. We had 5 grand-
Children that came to see us
every day. Pa lost his health &
we had to quit farm work. We
lived in Pete & Dotties house & they
bought the farm. Then we moved
to Barron. Pa worked 8 years for
Jerome till he was 68 years - I
worked at many jobs - but we were
happy. We lost a little granddaughter
first year we lived in Barron
Little Carol Ann, Edna & Howards
girl. We missed her a lot, every
one else did too. Specialy her mother
and Dad. 10 years later our Daughter