household of Kristian Edvardsen Nordy 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Kristian Edvardsen Nordy appears in the 1910 Census at Kirkegårdsgate 8, Oslo, Oslo.

Kristian Edvardsen Nordby, born 21.08.1879 in Norderhov, head of household, apprentice sausage maker (pølsemakersvend)
Hilda Marie Nordby, born 27.11.1877, Kristiania, wife

Apartment 9, rent 21 kr.1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Kristian Edvardsen Nordby og Hilda Marie Nordby, Kirkegårdsgate 8, Kristiania.

household of Thv. Kristoffersen Norby 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Thv. Kristoffersen Norby appears in the 1910 Census at Fauchaldsgate 10, Oslo, Oslo.

Torvald Kristoffersen Nordby, born 11.08.1855, Lunner i Soknedalen, head of household (hf), Day laborer (Dagarbeider)
Anette Nikoline Nordby, born 27.01.1863, Kristiania, wife of head (hm)

Leilighet nummer 6, 3 etg, kr. 216,00 pr aar.1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Thv. Kristoffersen Nordby og Annette Nikolin Nordby, Fauchaldsgate 10, Kristiania.

household of Peder August Petersen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Peder August Petersen appears in the 1910 Census at Sofienberggate 29, Oslo, Oslo.

Second floor, second entrance (2, 2. opgang), Rent: 17 kr pr. Maaned.

Peder August Petersen, born 03.02.1850, Kjøbenhavn, head of household (hf), married (g), Journeyman chimney sweep (Feiersvend (14. Distrikt))
Maren Kristoffersdatter Nordby, born 04.11.1859, Lunner Sogn, unmarried (ug), servant (Tj.)
Gustava Wexhal, born 21.07.1891, Lunner Sogn, unmarried (ug), servant (Tjenestetyende), temporary resident (mt), usual residence Hønnefos, unemployed
Oskar Nordby, born 15.05.1896, Kristiania, family member (Hørende til Familien), pupil at Sofienberg Skole.1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Maren Kristofersdatter Norbye, Gustava Wexhal og Oscar Norbye, Sofienberggate 29, Kristiania.

household of Johan Chr. Nordby 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Johan Chr. Nordby appears in the 1910 Census at Sannergata 10, Oslo, Oslo.

Johan Kristoffersen Nordby, born 21.06.1867, Norderhov, head of household (hf), street car driver (Sporvognsfører Kra sporv. selskab)
Anna Lovise Nordby, born 01.12.1867, Sverige, wife (Hustru)
Dagmar Louise Nordby, born 07.11.1890, Kristiania, daughter (d), laborer at candy factory (Arbeiderske Bergenes dropsfabrik)
Wilhelm Konrad Teodor Nordby, born 18.01.1895, Kristiania, son (s), apprentice (Lærling)
Einar Artur Fredrik Nordby, born 22.01.1897, Kristiania, son (s)
Laila Linea Nordby, born 15.06.1899, Kristiania, daughter (d)
Kristian Torleif Nordby, born 05.04.1901, Kristiania, son (s)
Sigrid Johanne Nordby, born 07.10.1904, Kristiania, daughter (d)

Leilighet 2, første etasje, 2 rom, kjøkken, ikke bad, 22 kr. (pr mnd).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Johan Chr. Nordby med familie, Sannergate 10, Kristiania.

household of Torsten Ellingsen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Torsten Ellingsen appears in the 1910 Census at Torst. Ellingsens gård, Jevnaker, Jevnaker, Oppland.

Torsten Ellingsen, born 07.06.1858 Ringerike, head of household (hf), lumberjack (skogsarb.)
Maren Otilie Olsdatter, born 04.09.1851 Ringerike, wife of head (hm), laborers wife (arbeiderkone)
Gudbrand Torstensen, born 26.09.1890 Ringerike, son (s), unmarried (ug), worker in paper mill (papirfabr.arb.).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Torstein Ellingsen, Maren Olsen og Gudbrand Torsteinsen, Torst. Ellingsens gård, Gn 148, bn. 1 (Mo - i Jevnaker og Jevnaker sentrum).

household of Anna and Gina Torsteinsen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Anna and Gina Torsteinsen appears in the 1910 Census at Finneruds gård, Jevnaker, Jevnaker, Oppland.

The last of four households.
Anna Karoline Torstensdatter, born 15.05.1893 Lunner, common household with her sister (søstre Fælles husholdning), unmarried (ug), laborer at glassworks (glasverksarb.) (Year of birth is wrong, and place should be Lunder, Norderhov)
Gina Torstensdatter, born 17.02.1895 Norderhov, common household with her sister (søstre Fælles husholdning), unmarried (ug), laborer at glassworks (glasverksarb.).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Anna Torsteinsen og Gina Torsteinsen, Finneruds gård, Gn 148, bn. 1 (Mo - i Jevnaker og Jevnaker sentrum).

household of Gustav Anton Karlsen Sunne 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Gustav Anton Karlsen Sunne appears in the 1910 Census at Toftesgate 41, Oslo, Oslo.

Gustav Anton Karlsen Sunne, born 16.11.1874 Kongsberg, head of household (hf), army sergeant (Sersjant (national))
Elise Karoline Nordby-Sunne, born 29.03.1876 Soknedalen, wife of head (hm), Butcher's shop keeper (Kjødhandlerske)
Gunda Emilie Edvardsen Nordby, born 09.04.1892 Hønefos, servant (Tjener), unmarried (ug), maid (Tjenestepike)
Harriet Elfrida Konstanse Johnsen, born 11.03.1895 Kristiania, servant (Tjener), unmarried (ug), cashier (Kassererske).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Gustav Anton Karlsen Sunne med kone og tjenestepiker.

household of Anne Olsen Wexal 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Anne Olsen Wexal appears in the 1910 Census at Bråten øvre (45/36), Hønefoss, Ringerike, Buskerud.

Anne Olsen Wexal, born 25.09.1858 Sognedalen, head of household (hm), cleaner (vaskekone)
Marte Helene Wexal, born 14.09.1893 Sognedalen, daughter (datter), maid (tjenestepike)
Anna Iversdatter Wexal, born 13.05.1895 Sognedalen, daughter (datter)
Petra Iversen, born 14.11.1899 Sognedalen, daughter (datter)
Amanda Hansine Olsen, born 22.04.1902 Norderhov, daughter (datter).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Anne Olsen Wexal og døtre, Bråten øvre (45/36), Norderhov.

household of Karl Haakonstad 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Karl Haakonstad appears in the 1910 Census at Storgata 8, Hønefoss, Ringerike, Buskerud.

Karl Haakonstad, born 25.08.1880, Lunner Hadeland, head of household (hf), unmarried (ug), Veterinarian (Dyrlæge)
Johanne Tandberg, born 12.04.1863, Norderhov, unmarried (ug), servant/maid (Tjenestepige)
Thorod Kristian Tandberg, born 17.07.1901, Hønefoss, son (s).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Johanne Tandberg og Torod Tandberg i Karl Haakonstads husholdning, Storgata 8, Hønefoss, Buskerud.

household of Karl Gustavsen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Karl Gustavsen appears in the 1910 Census at Tysseland, Samnanger, Hordaland.

This is the second household on the farm, the other being the farmer and his family.

Karl Johan Gustavsen, born 17.02.1871, Drammen, head of household (hf), foreman at hydro power development (Opsynsmand ved Bergens kraftanlæg)
Inger Gustavsen, born 12.07.1873, Lunde, housewife (husmor)
Signe Marie Gustavsen, born 03.04.1896, Hønefos, daughter (d)
Emilie Gustava Gustavsen, born 21.02.1898, Hønefos, daughter (d)
Karl Johan Gustavsen, born 13.05.1900, Hønefos, son (s)
Amanda Josefine Gustavsen, born 08.02.1902, Hønefos, daughter (d)
Ivar Karsten Gustavsen, born 08.05.1906, Hønefos, son (s)
Gudrun Bergliot Gustavsen, born 12.05.1908, Hønefos, daughter (d)
Otto Frithjof Gustavsen, born 19.08.1910, Samnanger, son (s).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Karl Gustavsen og familie, Tysseland, Samnanger, Hordaland (Alle med bare ett navn oppgitt: Segni, Emelje, Johan, Amanda, Ivar, Gudrun, Otto).

household of Edevart Hvitmyr 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Edevart Hvitmyr appears in the 1910 Census at Hvitmyr 6/1, Ådal, Buskerud.

Edvard Knutsen, born 05.05.1861, Aadalen, head of household (hf), shoemaker and farming crofter (Skomaker, jordbrukende husmand)
Thea Johnsdatter Hvitmyr, born 21.12.1860, Aadalen, Crofters wife (Husmandskone)
Jon Hvitmyr, born 08.11.1887, Aadalen, son (s), unmarried (ug), lumberjack (Tømmerhugger)
Elise Hvitmyr, born 08.10.1894, Aadalen, daughter (d), unmarried (ug), housework (Sysselsat ved husgjerning)
Karen Olava Hvitmyr, born 13.02.1898, Aadalen, daughter (d)
Gina Karoline Hvitmyr, born 24.01.1902, Aadalen, daughter (d)
Kristian Magnus Hvitmyr, born 26.10.1905, Aadalen, son (s).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Edevart Hvitmyr og familie, Hvitmyr, Aadalen, Buskerud.

household of Kristian Thorsen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Kristian Thorsen appears in the 1910 Census at Bakken, Sætrang, Ringerike, Buskerud.

Tor Klementsen, born 27.03.1835, Norderhov, grandfather (Bedstefar), widower (e), former water supply worker (Fhv. postmaker (Vandpostarbeider))
Kristian Thorsen, born 27.08.1874, Norderhov, head of household (hf), farm work and crofter (Gaardsarb. og husmand)
Karine Edvardsdatter Thorsen, born 26.06.1885, Aadalen, wife of head (hm), farm laborers wife (Gaardsarb.hustru)
Torolf Kristiansen, born 30.08.1906, Norderhov, son (s)
Einar Kristiansen, born 03.06.1908, Norderhov, son (s).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Tor Klementsen med sønnens familie, Bakken, Sætrang, Norderhov, Buskerud.

household of Anders Iversen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Anders Iversen appears in the 1910 Census at Hamborg, Norderhov, Norderhov, Buskerud.

Anders Iversen, born 15.10.1878, Krøsherred, crofter (Husmand)
Oline Iversen, born 13.10.1883, Norderhov, crofters wife (Husmandskone)
Ivar Iversen, born 25.10.1903, Norderhov, son (søn)
Gustav Adolf Iversen, born 15.07.1906, Norderhov, son (søn)
Agnes Mathilde Iversen, born 05.08.1908, Norderhov, daughter (Datter).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Anders Iversen med famile, Hamborg under Egge, Norderhov.

household of Johan Olsen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Johan Olsen appears in the 1910 Census at Kvernvolden (Tangen), Ådal prestegjeld, Buskerud.

This is the second household on the farm, the first being the family owning the farm.

Johan Olsen, born 04.12.1882 Aadalen, head of household (hf), lumber transport and log driving (tømmerkjører & elvearbeider)
Inger Edvardsen, born 26.03.1890 Aadalen, wife (hustru)
Otto Johansen, born 07.09.1910 Aadalen, son (s).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Johan Olsen med kone og barn, Kvernvolden, Semmen, Aadalen, Buskerud.

household of Johan Odda 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Johan Odda appears in the 1910 Census at Odda vestre, Ådal, Buskerud.

Johan Odda, born 19.03.1853, Aadalen, head of household (hf), Lumberjack farming (Tømmerhugger Jordbrukende husmand)
Ingeborg Odda, born 12.12.1864, Norderhov, crofter's wife (husmandskone)
Thorvald Odda, born 14.09.1885, Aadalen, son (s), Lumberjack (Tømmerhugger)
Andreas Odda, born 03.11.1889, Aadalen, son (s), Lumberjack (Tømmerhugger)
Ivar Odda, born 08.05.1892, Aadalen, son (s), Lumberjack (Tømmerhugger)
Martha Odda, born 13.12.1893, Aadalen, daughter (d), housework (Husgjerning)
Kristian Odda, born 08.05.1896, Aadalen, son (s)
Johan Odda, born 24.09.1898, Aadalen, son (s)
Ingvald Odda, born 04.08.1902, Aadalen, son (s)
Hilda Odda, born 03.12.1905, Aadalen, daughter (d)
Martin Odda, born 17.12.1907, Aadalen, son (s)
Olga Odda, born 19.08.1910, Aadalen, daughter (d).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Johan Odda med familie, Odda vestre (5/4), Aadalen, Buskerud.

household of Erik Olsen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Erik Olsen appears in the 1910 Census at Nilsedalen, Ådal, Buskerud.

Eirik Olsen, born 26.10.1883 Aal, Hallingdal, Lumberjack and farming (Tømmerhugger og jordbrukende husmand)
Julia Margrete Olsen, born 30.06.1887 Aadalen, crofter's wife (Husmandskone)
Ole Olsen, born 26.04.1905 Aadalen, son (s)
Johan Olsen, born 14.04.1907 Aadalen, son (s)
Inger Olsen, born 18.06.1909 Aadalen, daughter (d).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Erik Olsen med familie, Nilsedalen 4/1, Aadalen, Buskerud.

household of Torsten K. Storbråten 1910 Norwegian Census1

b. 2910
     The household of Torsten K. Storbråten appears in the 1910 Census at Storbråten, Sør-Aurdal, Oppland.

Torsten Knutsen Storbråten, born 30.11.1849, Aadalen, head of household (hf), various labour (Forskjellige arbeider)
Marie Storbråten, born 30.05.1852, Søndre Aurdal, crofter's wife (Husmandskone)
Torvald Torstensen Storbråten, born 28.08.1888, Søndre Aurdal, son (s), farm work (Gaardsarbeide)
Paul Torstensen Storebråten, born 29.05.1891, Søndre Aurdal, son (s), farm work (Gaardsarbeide)
Marie Torstensdatter Storbråten, born 27.03.1885, Søndre Aurdal, daughter (d), farm work (Gaardsarbeide)
Olave Torstensdatter Storbråten, born 14.08.1896, Søndre Aurdal, daughter (d), farm work (Gaardsarbeide).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Torsten K. Storbraaten med familie på Storbraaten under Strømmen, Sør-Aurdal, Oppland.

household of Ole Torstensen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Ole Torstensen appears in the 1910 Census at Bråten (Strømsbråten), Sør-Aurdal, Oppland.

Ole Torstensen, born 27.09.1872, Søndre Aurdal, crofter (Husmand)
Karine Olsdatter Torstensen, born 25.05.1873, Søndre Aurdal, crofter's wife (Husmandskone)
Ole Olsen Torstensen, born 08.04.1895, Søndre Aurdal, son (Søn)
Maren Olsdatter Torstensen, born 26.07.1897, Søndre Aurdal, daughter (Datter)
Torvald Olsen Torstensen, born 07.09.1899, Søndre Aurdal, son (Søn)
Kristian Olsen Torstensen, born 08.09.1901, Søndre Aurdal, son (Søn)
Inger Olsdatter Torstensen, born 22.05.1903, Søndre Aurdal, daughter (Datter)
Berthe Marie Olsdatter Torstensen, born 26.07.1905, Søndre Aurdal, daughter (Datter)
Hanna Olsdatter Torstensen, born 25.06.1907, Søndre Aurdal, daughter (Datter).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Ole Torstensen på Bråten under Strømmen, Sør-Aurdal, Oppland (Barn og kone som "O. Torstensen").

household of Guldbrand Torstensøn 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Guldbrand Torstensøn appears in the 1910 Census at Langbråten, Nes sogn, Ådal prestegjeld, Buskerud.

Gulbrand Torstensen, born 02.10.1874 Bægnadalen, head of household (hf)
Inger Olsdatter, born 31.12.1879 Etnedalen, wife of head (hm)
Torsten Gulbrandsen, born 20.09.1899 Aadalen, son (Søn)
Marie Gulbrandsdatter, born 23.07.1901 Aadalen, daughter (Datter)
Inga Gulbrandsdatter, born 31.10.1905 Aadalen, daughter (Datter)
Olga Gulbrandsdatter, born 05.11.1908 Aadalen, daughter (Datter).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Guldbrand Torstensøn på Langbråten (Plads) under Fagernes, Nes sogn, Ådal, Buskerud.

household of Hendrik Johansen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Hendrik Johansen appears in the 1910 Census at Altengård, Alta, Finnmark.

Hendrik Johansen, born 14.02.1866, Alta (Alten), head of household (hf), sailor (Sømand)
[R:member2, born 01.03.1878, Alta (Alten), wife of head (hm, Kone)
Henrijette Johansen, born 29.06.1898, Alta (Alten), daughter (Datter)
Marie Johansen, born 06.12.1899, Alta (Alten), daughter (D.)
Johanne Johansen, born 05.01.1901, Alta (Alten), daughter (D.)
Henry Johansen, born 27.08.1905, Alta (Alten), son (Søn)
Julie Johansen, born 02.07.1909, Alta (Alten), daughter (Datter).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Hendrik Johansen med familie, Altengaard, Bugten, Alta.

household of Kristian Fredrik Elias Ebeltoft 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Kristian Fredrik Elias Ebeltoft appears in the 1910 Census at Hvistendalsgate 221, Vadsø by, Vadsø, Finnmark.

Kristian Fredrik Elias Ebeltoft, born 23.02.1859, Vadsø, head of household, various labor and fishery (hf, g, Løsarbejde, fiskeri)
Berit Kristofa Ebeltoft, born 01.07.1856, Lyngen, wife of head (hm, Hustru)
Ingeman Villiam Kristoffer Ebeltoft, born 28.12.1888, Vadsø, unmarried son, fishery and som labor (s, ug, Fiskeri, lidt løsarbejde)
Jenny Ebeltoft, born 25.03.1896, Vadsø, daughter, housework (Arbejde i hjemmet)
Harry Kristian Villemoss Ebeltoft, born 25.04.1899, Vadsø, son (Søn)
Hans Anton Marinius Ebeltoft, born 18.10.1891, Nordvaranger, unmarried son, stoker, absent (s, ug, Fyrbøder, f), currently on Nordenfjeldske dampskipselskabs steamship on the Trondheim - Hamburg route.1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Kristian Fredrik Elias Ebeltoft med familie, Hvistendahlsgate 221, Vadsø.

household of Christ Britten 1910 US Census

b. 2910
     The household of Christ Britten appears on the US census of April 1910 at Sandstone, Pine, Minnesota.

Last name recorded or transcribed as Britten.

Christ Britton, head of household, 38, born in Norway, immigrated 1893
Carrie Britton, wife, 38, born in Norway, immigrated 1893
Marie Britton, daughter, 15, born in Minnesota
Ida Britton, daughter, 13, born in Minnesota
Clarence Britton, son, 7, born in Minnesota
Richard Britton, son, 5, born in Minnesota
Gordon Britton, son, 3, born in Minnesota
Theodore Britton, son, 5 months, born in Minnesota.1


  1. [S333] USC 1910, Household of Christ Britten, Sandstone, Pine County, Minnesota.

household of Christ Gilbertson 1910 US Census

b. 2910
     The household of Christ Gilbertson appears on the US census of 27 April 1910 at Arland, Barron, Wisconsin.

Christ Gilbertson, Head of household, 48, born in Norway, married 14 years, immigration 1888, Naturalized citizen, speaks English, Labourer, mortgaged house
Oleanna Gilbertson, Wife, 33, born in Wisconsin, Norwegian parents, speaks English
Manda Gilbertson, Daughter, 12, born in Wisconsin, speaks English
Carl Gilbertson, Son, 9, born in Wisconsin, speaks English
Clarence Gilbertson, Son, 7, born in Wisconsin, speaks Norwegian
Leonard Gilbertson, Son, 5, born in Wisconsin, speaks Norwegian.1


  1. [S333] USC 1910, Christ Gilbertson, wife Olianna and children Manda N. G., Carel O., Clarenc O., Lenard A., Arland township, Barron County, Wisconsin.

household of Andrew Knutson and household of Gilbert Knutson 1910 US Census

b. 2910
     The households of Andrew Knutson and his newly immigrated father are right next to each other in the census, with Andrew farming his own mortgaged farm and Gilbert farming a rented farm together with son Nels and possibly Carl. The household of Andrew Knutson and household of Gilbert Knutson appears on the US census of 23 April 1910 at Arland, Barron, Wisconsin.

Andrew Knutson, head of household, 38, married eight years, born in Norway, immigrated 1888, naturalization papers filed, speaks English, mortgaged farm
Caroline Knutson, wife, 27, married eight years, 5 children, 2 living, born in Wisconsin, Norwegian parents, speaks English, no occupation
Inga G Knutson, daughter, 3, born in Wisconsin, parents born in Norway and Wisconsin
Odin Knutson, son, 1, born in Wisconsin, parents born in Norway and Wisconsin.1 The household of Andrew Knutson and household of Gilbert Knutson appears on the US census of 23 April 1910 at Arland, Barron, Wisconsin.

Gilbert Knutson, head of household, 63, married 43 years, born in Norway, immigrated 1907, naturalization papers filed, speaks Norwegian, rented farm
Gilleat (Gulbjør Knutson), wife, 62, married 43 years, 12 children, 10 living, born in Norway, immigrated 1907, speaks Norwegian, no occupation
Nels Knutson, son, 26, single, born in Norway, immigrated 1903, naturalization papers filed, speaks English, Farmer (apparently with his father)
Charles Knutson, son, 20, single, born in Norway, immigrated 1907, alien, speaks Norwegian, Farm Laborer
Tora Knutson, daughter, 15, single, born in Norway, immigrated 1907, speaks Norwegian, no occupation.1


  1. [S333] USC 1910, Andrew Knutson, wife Carlin and children, Gilbert and Gilleat Knutson, children Nels, Charles and Thora, Arland township, Barron County, Wisconsin.

household of Karl Arnesen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Karl Arnesen appears in the 1910 Census at Vestli under Vågård, Hønefoss, Ringerike, Buskerud.

Karl Arnesen, born 14.03.1873, Brandvold (Solør), head of household, lumberjack and railwayworker (Tømmerhugger og Jernbanearbeider)
Olava Gulbrandsdatter, born 29.01.1878, Aadalen, wife of head, railway worker's wife (Jernbanearbeiderkone)
Gustav, born 12.03.1902, Norderhov, son
Anna, born 14.07.1903, Norderhov, daughter
Gunvor, born 31.08.1904, Norderhov, daughter
Arne, born 05.11.1905, Norderhov, son
Nils, born 10.12.1906, Norderhov, son
Thora, born 24.8.1908, daughter
Harald, born 20.08.1909, Norderhov, son
Amund, born 13.11.1910.1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Karl Arnesen, Olava Gudbrandsdatter m. barn (alle som Karlsen, Karlsdatter), Vestil under Vågård, Norderhov.

household of Gabriel Karlsrud 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Gabriel Karlsrud appears in the 1910 Census at Bråtestuen under Hen, Ådal, Buskerud.

One of three households in the house.
Gabriel Karlsrud, born 17.07.1876, Aadalen, head of household, brewery worker, lumber jack, lumber transporter (Bryggearbeider, tømmerhugger, tømmerkjører)
Gina Karlsrud, born 06.08.1880, Aadalen, wife of head, housework (husgjerning)
Inger Gudrun Karlsrud, born 28.01.1901, Aadalen, daughter (datter)
Marta Karlsrud, born 31.08.1903, Aadalen, daughter (datter)
Anna Karlsrud, born 02.05.1905, Aadalen, daughter (datter)
Matilde Karlsrud, born 03.11.1907, Aadalen, daughter (datter)
Olaug Karlsrud, born 12.03.1910, Aadalen, daughter (datter).1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Gabriel Karlsurd, hustru Gina og barn Gudrun, Marta, Anna, Matilde og Olaug, Braatestuen, Heen, Ådal.

household of Johan Alfred Olsen 1910 Norwegian Census

b. 2910
     The household of Johan Alfred Olsen appears in the 1910 Census at Ullerålsgate 15, Hønefoss, Ringerike, Buskerud.

Johan Alfred Olsen, 03.04.1852, Sverige, head of household, Ditchdigger (Grøftegraver)
Mari Ellingsdatter (Mai), 06.02.1856, Sverige (sic), Wife

Rent kr. 120 p.a.1


  1. [S370] Folketelling 1910, Johan Alfred Olsen og Mai Ellingsdatter, Ullerålsgate 15, Hønefoss.

household of Christian Wiker 1911 Census of Canada

b. 2911
     The household of Christian Wiker appears on the Canadian census of 1911 at NE 22, township 31, range 5, Bergen, Mountain View, Alberta. Religion is lutheran and language commonly spoken is registered as Norwegian. The members of the household are:

Christian Wiker, head of household, born Norway May 1875, immigrated 1905, naturalized 1910, farmer
Gustava Wiker, wife, born Norway Apr 1885, immigrated 1907, no occupation
Hermand Wiker, son, born Canada March 1908
Gulbjør Wiker, daughter, born Canada Apr 1910.1


  1. [S341] Canada 1911, household of Christian Wiker, S22, T31, R5, W5, page 1, subdistrict 118, Red Deer, Alberta.

household of John Kristianson 1911 Census of Canada

b. 2911
     The household of John Kristianson appears on the Canadian census of 1911 at 411 3rd St. South, Lethbridge, Alberta. John Christiansen, Head, born Oct 1872, age 38, laborer, brewery
Martha Christiansen, Wife, born Aug 1873, age 37
Ralph Morris Christiansen (Morris), Son, born Jan 1896, age 15, laborer, on farm
Margareth Christiansen, Daughter, born Aug 1898, age 12
Jenny Marie Christiansen, Daughter, born Sep 1902, age 8.1


  1. [S341] Canada 1911, household of John Kristianson, page 10, 75 Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Alberta.

households of Nels and Chris Tuftin and Paul Knudson 1916 Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta

b. 2916
     The households of Nels and Chris Tuftin and Paul Knudson appears on the Canadian census of 1916 at T55 R6 W5, Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta. Nels, Anna, Chris and Paul are all listed as Norwegian citizens, Lutherans, able to speak English, but not French, and able to read and write. Chris and Paul are both listed as single, but are probably divorced. Both wives are listed as widowed in the 1920 US census:

Nels Tuftin, head of household, 33 years old, immigrated 1913, farmer
Anna Marie Tuftin, wife, 22, immigrated 1913
George Tuftin, son, 1 year old, born in Alberta
Albert Tuftin, son, 1 year old, born in Alberta
Chris Tuftin, head of household, 45 years old, immigrated 1913, farmer
Paul Knudson, head of household, 60 years old, immigrated 1911, farmer.1


  1. [S334] Alberta 1916, Households of Nils Tuftin, Chris Tuftin and Paul Knudsen, Alberta, Edmonton West, sub-district 16, page 12.